Friday, July 31, 2015

One hell of a journey

The title is true.

This has been one hell of a journey with in the past few years.  Life has changed and so have I.

I strayed away from veganism, going into a chefs mentality and working so much and just losing sight of what I truly loved doing...and that is being a vegan.

Recently I have been going through some medical issues and have decided that I need to go back to my vegan way of life.  I missed the glow of the skin and I also missed the prideful feelings I had to knowing what I was doing was good for me and good for others.

I felt my best being vegan, it helped me spiritually, to find my own nitch.

It helped me maintain a healthy weight and a healthy diet.

I decided that I want to continue again with my blog and start sharing my recipes that I cook for me and my family.  Everyone is super supportive of my decision and I hope that by me doing this, that my family will also benefit from this.  To learn about compassion for animals and beings, to learn to cook a certain way.

I went back to this lifestyle about 2 weeks ago.  I do feel so much better already, and I do try and work out too (When I am not being a slug). The bloating has gone away, and my collar bones are showing (which I noticed last time too)

Before when I did this, I documented mainly recipes.  I plan to keep up with that.

That is all for now.


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